Monday 16 December 2019

Not tanking

I thought I was signing up to tank my first run of Scholomance with a guild group when the last spot was taken by one of our raid tanks. So I found myself doing cat DPS and really enjoying it - not for the role itself but the way that not being restricted to tanking or healing allowed my hybrid nature to shine.

Before that, as I was approaching level 60, I'd whispered our guild master to ask what role he'd like me to prepare for in raids (expecting healing, naturally) and was surprised to find he was looking for a moonkin. I wasn't at all sure about that, as it seemed a rather restricted niche but my Scholomance experience made me reconsider it.

Another thing which swayed my choice was the Guardians of the Altar quest, which gave some good moonkin flavour.

And so, with some reasonable blues but noticeably some greens "of Arcane Wrath" I found myself in Molten Core for the end of the guild's latest run.

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