Tuesday 19 May 2020

Seal of Ascension

I spent a chunk of the weekend tanking in Scholomance and Lower Blackrock Spire, the first for some Skin of Shadow to get my Zulian Headdress enchanted and the latter to finally get the one key I didn't yet have in the game. It's well past the stage where owning a Seal of Ascension is a rarity but it was still an achievement I wanted to complete.

I'm naturally quite cautious as a tank, probably more so than many groups would like, but there's been a step change in the quality of my gear since I last was hunting for the seal's gems. I now have two items from Molten Core (Medallion of Steadfast Might and Heavy Dark Iron Ring), three from Blackwing Lair (Taut Dragonhide Shoulderpads, Elementium Threaded Cloak and Interlaced Shadow Jerkin) and a number of quest, crafted or dropped items from Zul'Gurub taking me up to 7% hit rating.

In short I'm now significantly out-gearing all of the dungeons in the game and, once I got a feel for the groups I was in, could take a much more aggressive approach than I was used to. It seems odd in a way as a lot of the challenge is gone, but it's also nice to enjoy the benefits of gearing up.

I then had the less fun experience of healing in Molten Core as full feral bear spec but still managed to give a decent account of myself - 8th of 12 healers according to the logs...

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