Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Fast mount and some interesting tanking

I've been focused for a while on getting my fast mount - mainly through herbing and keeping respecs in check - and last night finally got my Swift Stormsaber. Only to find I could have got it somewhat earlier if I'd realised that PvP rank 3 gives a 100g discount!

When I played originally I didn't bother with a fast mount except as a step towards my flying mount in Burning Crusade but I'm really pleased I've made the effort this time. The difference is night and day, and I feel I get whiplash when starting from a standing start being so used to the slower speed of my old Striped Nightsaber.

My main activity for the evening though was tanking living Stratholme - using my Moonglow restoration spec... A mostly guild group had been looking for a tank for a while and eventually persuaded me to take the opportunity, and not bothering to respec since it's BWL raid night in a couple of days. Despite my advice that this wasn't a good idea they seemed confident, and in fact we managed a fairly smooth, if slightly slow and messy, run. This was largely down to a good, well geared group and them compensating for a non-optimal tank, but it worked far better than I'd expected.

I'm not keen to repeat the experience - missing Feral Charge, feral Faerie Fire and Furor in particular, and being constantly rage starved - but it did illustrate the gap between what players prefer for an easier run versus what's possible.

It also illustrated a key problem with Classic's dungeon versus raid design, and hence the lack of tanks, that such a good group could have been in the position of having a wasted evening as a result.

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