Monday, 9 December 2019

Level 60 - finally / again

I've finally got to level 60. I'd become fixated on getting to the milestone in less than 10 days played, and convinced that the slow run through Lower Blackrock Spire yesterday would scupper this. In the end, thanks to some final quests in the Plaguelands and with a rested bonus from the daytime I managed it, just.

9 days, 23 hours, 45 minutes (and 39 seconds).

I've mostly been taking screenshots of my /played as I reached various milestone levels (or random levels where I'd forgot to record the milestone) so I could see what the levelling curve looked like when I got to this point. It's steep!

If I'd focussed purely on levelling this could no doubt have been quicker, but I wanted to get lots of dungeon experience as I levelled and besides, with previous Duillnar I was focussed that way and it made for a pretty unengaging experience.

My elapsed time was 64 days and the graphs look like this:

Graph of time played versus level

Graph of elapsed days versus level

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