Saturday, 28 September 2019

Alliance experiments

I have a level 85 dwarf warrior (formerly Shank) and a now level 86 dwarf shaman ("newly" created with the help of the Mists of Panderia level boost) which I thought would be interesting to try as a somewhat higher level view of the Alliance side than my druid Duillnar could give me. After the usual actionbar pondering and some quick experimentation out in the world I queued them as tank and healer respectively and coincidentally ended up in the Siege of Niuzao Temple both times.

My main observation is that when dungeoneering it's surprisingly non-obvious which faction you're on. Between the pace of the game and the various spell effects and so on you don't really see the other characters like you did in the original dungeons or do at a higher level for example in pauses during a raid.

Otherwise -

  • I love Ghost Wolf. I'll use it when there's even half of an excuse, and often it's actually handy!
  • Tanking as a warrior is quite enjoyable. Heroic Leap is fun and useful and combined with Intercept gives good mobility. As with my druid, my warrior has good AoE threat abilities and with groups who are still levelling gear imbalance isn't an issue.
  • It's become more obviously a computer game than an RPG. While this was always to some degree the case, abilities such as Heroic Leap to me are suspension of disbelief-breaking - while it may be appropriate with the ever-increasing level cap it also highlights the (relative) consistency of the Classic game.

So if dungeoneering isn't an issue, at least as far as my view of my own character impacts me, and given that I find the Alliance side levelling rather mundane compared to my Horde experience, I can mostly see myself sticking to Oswyn and Grulnak. I might visit my dwarf shaman Grumgar occasionally for Alliance tourism, taking advantage of the button familiarity given to me by Grulnak, rather than trying to get my head around any of my former array of characters.

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