Also, having had a dabble with warlock alts a while back, I also planned to get my level 17 warlock up to level 20 so he could be a summoning taxi for the guild.
But of course, having spent a lot of time PvPing, there was an irresistible temptation to dust off my Horde side. As my shaman is level 16 I tried some Warsong Gulch in the twink bracket, he was of course hopelessly undergeared by comparison but I feel I managed to contribute to some degree to the one game I played. However, having looked into what classes are in demand on the Horde side, and considering what classes I've had at 60 already, I thought I'd try out another Forsaken mage. My original mage became my banker after I totally failed to get my head around the class, but this time I'm enjoying it a lot more - there's a lot to be said for levelling a pure DPS class. Having just done some levels on a warlock I really miss Life Tap, but my attitude to drinking mage water has totally changed and the speed with which he takes down enemies, and the good degree of crowd control, keeps things interesting.
The AQ patch has also brought a load of new content, notably idols for druids and the Sceptre quest which one of our tanks is attempting. On the idol front I've collected the Idol of Ferocity (since the boss who drops it is soloable) and, having collected most of the dungeon set for nostalgia value, I'm now working on the "tier 0.5" upgrade quest mainly to be able to summon Mor Grayhoof who drops the restoration idol.
I'm also trying to help with the carapace fragment collection in Silithus which is sort of fun and an impressive feat of players shaping the world - the hives have gone from being highly dangerous to totally camped by players desperately trying to tag mobs as they spawn. It can be frustrating since there are so many players there, but it's quite a sociable guild activity with the occasional bit of world PvP thrown in.